Thursday, April 5, 2012

Writings on the wall: You wanna Tumble with the Bey, huh?

 ..Aunty Bey has opened a Tumblr account for all of us to see. 
Which makes for a very unproductive day. 
As I peek into her life, I am smitten by her refinement and beauty. 
...AND by her love for the one entertainer who I Love dearly.
Her photos show her living a life that many of us have only dreamed of or read about. 
It's a wondrous thing, to know that where you are presently, doesn't mark the end of your world. 

There's so much to be seen on this Earth
I remain hopeful ..knowing that it's brilliance wasn't bottled up and put aside solely for those who could afford it. ...but that it was bottled up and put aside solely for those who believe in the idea of there being MORE. ...for the seekers.

it is our duty, to find the beauty...

After the jump, you'll find more of my favorite photos from

I miss the Empire State. xxo

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