Saturday, March 17, 2012

Writings on the wall: The Cold War

I've been asleep for hours.
Something I've been trying to accomplish for an entire week.
It seems it took for me to catch a cold {it's the real deal now} and have a miniature breakdown to lay down and take a day off. I had no phone for almost 24 hrs. Didn't miss it. ..Surprisingly. Because on a regular day, I can't stay off of it. .I didn't need it yesterday. Didn't want it. ..or anything for that matter. No computer, no Nothing.

It's currently 6:30am.
7am can't come fast enough.
I need a grocery store.
I need Nyquil, lemons and honey.
yukkkk @ Nyquil.
I have this annoying cough.
& I'm covered in Vicks VapoRub.
just sexy.

It's St. Patty's Day!
..are you wearing green? crushing green? ..getting drunk? o.O

*clears throat* I mean...just making conversation. Live a Clean Life. :)

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