Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010 Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm really excited for the New Year. I'm excited everyday God gives me breath but I feel different about the start of 2010 than I did for the start of '09.

As every other year. '09 brought some good-times and bad-times. While in the midst of the bad, I couldn't fathom anything logical about each situation but as I got over them all -- I came to an understanding and an acceptance for whatever it is that happened.

Many times, I thought I was losing [because things and people were taken away] but if anything I've gained plenty and lost none.

I've gained great friendships, and a deeper sense of knowledge for what it is that I want out of life [in all aspects of life] and how I plan to obtain such things.

I'm surrounded by plenty of headstrong individuals with a disgusting amount of creativity. I am inspired daily and I only hope to continue to be inspired in the new year.

I'm happy, and I plan to bid farewell to '09 and introduce myself to 2010, in a happy state as well ;)

I wish you guys all the best in all that you're doing or plan to do!


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